MD Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
PhD University of Michigan: Pharmacology
Scholarly Work
Thompson-Busch has developed new methodology for teaching integrated concepts from basic and social science into a clinically-based medical school curricula. This includes the development of a guided, case-based and elaborative teaching method that is presented in small group sessions. She has also created basic science teaching into simulation in a way that reminds students of a basic science topic immediately before going in to see a patient with a related medical concern. Most recently, she has developed content for the AAMC's Careers in Medicine website to address guiding unmatched students.
Areas of Interest
In addition to an active role teaching within the Shared Discovery Curriculum, she was a member of the AAMC Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency pilot program. She is passionate about career counseling of medical students and, in particular, helping unmatched students be successful.